Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whoa, I'm a slacker!

I can't believe it's been months since I updated this blog. I keep forgetting about it! I've been busy eh, get off my back.

Let's see..... what's new.... oh yeah, this:

YES!!! It's a BOY!

Yep. I'm knocked up again. This time was a wee bit of a shocker. Not planned, but certainly wanted. The first few months kicked my ass. I was on the couch praying to die as my children lived off a diet of goldfish crackers and juice since I couldn't stand the sight or smell of food. It was a rough time for all concerned.

Now I'm feeling pretty good. Sore back and all but nothing that I can't handle. I'm currently 25 weeks in, and I'm due September 30, but I can pretty much guarantee this kid will be early.

I'm in a wedding October 16th for my best friend Julie. Maid of Honour yo! Check me out in my dress...

Oh the humiliation...

... sexy huh? At least I know it'll fit after Juniour comes. Gonna need some MAJOR alterations though! I just hope I don't walk down the aisle with a baby hanging off my boob.
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