I'm not a hypochondriac by any means, but with every pregnancy I carried around this sense of doom. With every little odd twinge of pain, or unexplainable "gut feeling", I grow more and more sure that something is wrong. Crazy? Maybe.
I got pregnant with Lily after 5 months of trying. Just a couple weeks after peeing on the stick I started bleeding. Not a lot, but it freaked me out so I ran to the emergency room. They told me I was having a threatened miscarriage. Miscarriage. That word made me throw up. But after an ultrasound confirmed that all was well the doctor sent me home with instructions to take it easy. He told me that if I was going to miscarry there was nothing they could do to stop it anyways. So after a few days when I started bleeding again I stayed home and cried. J didn't know what to do to help me. He was worried and freaked out. This continued on and off until I hit 12 weeks and we went to a friend's wedding in Mexico. As soon as we got there I stopped bleeding and my pregnancy went to completely normal, text book stuff. But for the next 6 months I ran to the bathroom 100 times a day anytime I thought I felt anything remotely like bleeding or cramping. It was stressful and emotionally draining. Lily was born almost 4 years ago and she's been a healthy happy kid from the moment she took her first breath.

The next few weeks were filled with sorrow and apologies and embarrassment. I apologized to Jason several times for my body failing us like that, to which he told me I was crazy, but I felt like I had really let him down. I was embarrassed to tell friends and family we were no longer pregnant as we had told everyone so early and I should have known better. Everyone was very supportive. It's amazing how many people confess to having had their own (secret) miscarriage when you tell them about yours.
It took me a few months to "get over it" (you actually never really get over that) and we decided to try again. I decided that I didn't want to waste any time and charted my temperature and took ovulation tests and sure enough we got pregnant in one try. But from the minute I saw that positive test I couldn't help but feel nothing but worry. Despite the fact that this pregnancy was "normal", I had no bleeding and no pain, I was so stressed out for the first 3 months I lost 9lbs. At 3 months we told family and friends we were pregnant and it was smooth sailing right up until Emily was born. But inside, I was still that twisted ball of stress and dread.
Now I'm pregnant again and the memory of that lost pregnancy still haunts me. Every little ache or pain I feel, every muscle or ligament pull sends me to a dark place where I fear for my unborn child's life. I'll be happy when this little guy arrives and I can hold him and know that he made it. Until then, worry. I hate being pregnant.