I do not have a bucket list. Of any kind. I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with me. Why don't I know what I want by now? Why can't I set some goals for myself other than the daily "To Do" List I make every day (and rarely finish). Sure there are places I'd love to go, like Paris and Rome; and a couple things I'd like to try, like placing a huge bet in Vegas on 1 roll of the dice just to see what happens; but I don't think I'd consider my life a failure if I don't accomplish these things.
The only real things I ever wanted to accomplish I've already done. Got a college degree, experienced some success in my career, married the man of my dreams and had children. My life is a 'fait accompli' and I'm only 34. Everything else at this point is just..gravy.
So do I need a bucket list? Have I set the bar too low? Or should I consider myself lucky that I long for nothing and am content in the now?
Maybe my only bucket list item should be to decide if I really need a bucket list at all.